PeeWee Tier 1 Tryout Schedule and Invite List, News (Tillsonburg Minor Baseball)

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Sep 24, 2019 | Christie Nunn | 992 views
PeeWee Tier 1 Tryout Schedule and Invite List
Thanks to everyone who came to the Peewee Tier 1 & Rep combined tryout.  There was an amazing turnout, which bodes well for another great season of Otters baseball in 2020.  The coaches would like to thank all of the players for their patience at the tryout, having nearly forty players go through all of the stations was a challenge that the players managed very well.

At this point in time, it is necessary to split the tryouts out to those who have indicated that they are interested in the Tier 1 team and those who are solely interested in trying out for the Otters PeeWee Rep team.  In addition, a few players who indicated that they were trying out for both teams are being sent from the Tier 1 tryouts to the Otters PeeWee Rep team tryouts.  If you have been removed from the Tier 1 tryout list and are a Tillsonburg player, you are encouraged to continue with the Otters PeeWee Rep team tryouts.  For those not continuing in the Tier 1 tryouts, thanks for coming out and best of luck with your 2020 baseball season.

Dates and times for the Otters PeeWee Rep team tryouts will be posted in the future.

The following players are invited back to the next Tier 1 tryout on Saturday, September 28 at 9:30 am (Kiwanis Diamond):

Ashman, C
Bale, P
Black, N
Bonney, T
Brouwer, Z
Brunt, J
Cooper, T
Gaitens, N
Ham, M
Jacko, T
Kapitor, N
Klassen, A
Minelley, D
Murphy, W
Nunn, L
O'Donnell, G
Oatway, O
Potts, M
Schott, C
Seitz, B
Snyder, L
Vandenneucker, B
VanRybroeck, B
Zammit, R

In the event Saturday's tryout is cancelled due to weather, the next tryout will be Sunday, September 29 at 9:30 am on Kiwanis. 

Players should come dressed in proper baseball attire in the event of an intrasquad game during part of the tryout.

If you cannot attend the next tryout or if you have any questions, please contact Jon Nunn via email at [email protected].

Players who did not attend the first tryout but wish to tryout for the Tier 1 team must also contact Jon Nunn via email to advise of their intent to tryout.

Thanks again for your interest in Otters baseball!
