Mar 25, 2020 | Christie Nunn | 886 views
U15 Bantam Tier 1 Roster
As all of you know this year has had some changes with COVID-19. The U15 Bantam Tier 1 team were able to get in enough tryouts before activities had been cancelled and coach Brent was able to complete his Roster for the 2020 U15 Bantam Tier 1 Team
Coach Brent would like to thank everyone who tried out
Here is the U15 Roster Bantam Tier 1 Team
Dylan Courrier
Tyler Deserrano
Ben Ewing
Angus Gertridge
Holden Gibbons
Kieran Gubesch
Owen Harris
Trent Lamb
Braedan McMullen
Trevor Nunn
Jordan Schmitt
Jared Vandenneucker