U13 Peewee Rep Roster, News (Tillsonburg Minor Baseball)

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Mar 26, 2020 | Christie Nunn | 1431 views
U13 Peewee Rep Roster
A message from Coach Darren and Coach Kraig
Hello everyone, we hope everyone is staying safe healthy and isolating with their families. If any parents are part of the working service industry right now Thank you for everything you do and have done to stay safe. 

With the unforeseen circumstances that we are dealing with COVID-19 we've been requested to complete our U13 Peewee Rep Roster with what we have seen at the tryouts that have been held. With deadlines to OBA team registration, tournament entry deadlines and uniforms that need to be ordered the pressure is on to make the roster. With that being said we would like to thank everyone in advance that came to our tryouts. Thank you as well to the coaches that donated their time to help run the tryouts and help with the roster decision.

U13 Peewee Rep Roster
Jackson Brunt
Tye Cooper
Kayden Dean
Elle Declark
Tanner Jacko
Aiden Klassen
Odin Oatway
Gavin O'Donnell
Cohen Schott
Brodie Seitz
Brody Vanrybroeck
Jack Verberne

Thank you to everyone that tried out very tough decisions were made, congratulations to the players that made the team and good luck and keep developing to those that tried out. 
Coach Darren and Coach Kraig
