Tillsonburg Minor Baseball has an important note regarding Registration and Payment
We will be keeping our due date to register online as
April 1st, 2020. We ask that everyone register their child online by April 1st, 2020. The reason we are keeping this date is to ensure that we can have everything ready for your child on time when the baseball season starts. We need to know our numbers for the 2020 season.
Information Regarding payments:
We encourage payments to be made through etransfers since we are unable to do payments in person at this time due to COVID-19
etransfers can be emailed to:
[email protected]
Password: TMBI2020
*Please make sure that you include the child's name in your etransfer email
Due to the COVID-19 we are waiving late fees and setting a new due date for payments to be May 1st, 2020.
Just to summarize
Online Registration is still due:
April 1st, 2020
Payment has been extended to
May 1st, 2020
Tillsonburg Minor Baseball appreciates all of your patience during this difficult time.