Sep 27, 2021 | Christie Nunn | 1004 views
Summary of all Tryout Dates
Here is a list of all the tryouts that will be happening
Please remember to fill out the 2022 Registration Form- tryouts before attending the tryouts.
Mosquito Rep tryouts on the following dates:
Thursday September 30th 6-7:30pm Kiwanis Diamond
Tuesday, October 5th, 6-8pm Kiwanis Diamond
Wednesday, October 6th 6-8pm Kiwanis diamond
U13 Peewee Rep Tryouts
Wednesday September 29 6-7pm on Kiwanis
Thursday September 30 6-7pm on HB#1
Saturday October 2nd, 10-12 on Kiwanis
U14 & U15 Bantam Tier 1 Tryouts
Saturday, October 2nd from 2-4pm Sam Lamb Diamond.
U18 Midget Tier 1 Tryouts
Thursday, September 30th, at 6:30pm on Sam Lamb Diamond
Saturday, October 2nd at 11:00 am on Sam Lamb Diamond