Rep and Tier 1 Indoors, News (Tillsonburg Minor Baseball)

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Mar 01, 2023 | Christie Nunn | 490 views
Rep and Tier 1 Indoors
Tillsonburg Minor Baseball will be continuing their indoors during the month of March for all Rep and Tier 1 players

The schedule will stay the same at Annandale Public School

Monday (March 6th,20th, 27th) U9 and U11 (Rep interested) 6:45-7:45pm 

Wednesday March (1st, 8th, 23rd, 29th) 
U13 Rep team  6:30-7:60pm (NOT March 1st) 
U15 Rep:  7:30-8:30pm
U15 Tier 1 and U18 Tier 1:  8:30-9:30pm

Please Note: there will be no indoors the week of March 13-17th as it is March break and the schools are closed. 