U9 Select Team, News (Tillsonburg Minor Baseball)

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Apr 26, 2023 | Christie Nunn | 773 views
U9 Select Team
Tillsonburg Minor Baseball is excited to announce that we will be having a
9U select team this year. 

Who can play on the U9 select team?
Tryouts will be open to players born in 2014, 2015, 2106

What is a U9 Select Team. 
The idea behind the select league is to introduce more players to competitive baseball earlier to provide them with the skills they need to play rep ball in the future. 

How will the U9 Select Team Season work? 
Players will play a full house league schedule with their assigned teams. In addition, the players selected to play on the U9 select team will play half of a schedule in the U9 SCBA Rep loop. There will be an additional fee to the players selected (TBD) as they are required to follow OBA uniform rules, additional diamond time, equipment and umpires are also required. 
If your child is interested in trying out for the U9 select team please keep a close eye on the website as tryouts will begin soon. 