Organization | May 15, 2017 | dhicks | 12683 views
Congratulations to the Winners!!
Congratulations to the winners of the MLB Pitch and Run!!
We had representation in each division!
Age 7/8 Overall Winner Maddox Lee - swept the lead in all 3 divisions
Age 9/10 Pitch - Trent Lamb
Hit - Peyton Hawel
Run - Nathan Kapitor
Overall Winner - Nathan Kapitor
Age 11/12 Pitch - Dylan Reimer
Hit - Evan Scaman
Run- Leah Kapitor
Overall Winner - Dylan Reimer
Age 13/14 Overall Winner - Jordan Vitias - swept the lead in all 3 divisions
All winners in each division for Pitch, hit and run and overall winners advance to St Marys
Sectional competition will be held:
Date: May 27, 2017
Time: 10:00am
Location: Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame
Address: 386 Church St S
St Marys, ON N4X 1C2