| 15U House League Rules Created: May 22, 2023 10:29 AM, Updated: May 28, 2024 12:09 PM 2024 15U/ 18U House League Rules
These rules were established in keeping with the philosophy that the principal aim for 15I/ 18U baseball is to have fun and teach good sportsmanship, as well as try to further the basic skills of baseball.
Basic Baseball Ontario (B.O.) regulations will be followed, with the following exceptions/clarifications as per the TMBI:
1. All players are to receive equal playing time.
2. All players are to be entered in the batting order. If a player shows up late they are to be added to the bottom of
the batting order, no penalty is incurred for doing so.
3. Unlimited substitution for defense play.
4. Baseball pants are required.
5. Any person warming up the pitcher MUST wear a catcher’s mask.
6. No new inning to start after 1hr 45 minutes or 7 Innings.
7. 5 runs scored or 3 outs to complete an inning.
8. 11 run mercy rule after 5 innings.
9. Bat rules to follow OBA rules. Bat rules to be dictated by the game being scheduled. Ie 15U. It is recommended that any 18U aged players playing on a 15U team use wooden bats.
10. A pitcher may NOT PITCH in 3 consecutive innings. It does not matter if a pitcher only throws one pitch in an
inning, it counts as an inning. Once the pitcher is removed, he/she may not pitch again that game.
11. A player is NOT allowed to pitch and catch in the same game.
12. Infield fly rule DOES apply.
13. Umpires decisions are final.
14. As per the Official Rules of Baseball, in 15U/ 18U and above, any team member in uniform may act as a base coach. Where a player in 15U or 18U is acting as a base coach, the player must wear a helmet.
Remember: Games are about development. If a team is short players there is NO forfeit. Play the game using the kids
that are there.
Calling up players from 13U (to 15U) or 15U (to 18U) H/L is permitted if needed (no REP Players). No team may use call up players if said
team already has at least ten (10) team players. Exception – A coach is told by some players that they will be away and
this number places the team below ten (10). The coach calls up players from 13U or 15U HL .The team players, who said they would be away, show up at the game, and put the team over ten (10) players. The players called up can play a
maximum of two innings in the field and must be entered in the last position in the batting order.
All Baseball Ontario rules and regulations will be followed, with the same exceptions/clarifications as per the TMBI
13U House League rules above.
Coin Toss to decide home team. Home team to provide an adult scorekeeper.
11 run mercy rule in effect after 5 complete innings.
During the entire tournament, a pitcher is only allowed to pitch a maximum of 6 innings. All other pitching
rules still apply.
The formula to determine Tie-Breakers is as follows:
• Total points - 2 points for a win; 1 point for a tie; 0 points for a loss
• Head to head (if played equally)
• Total runs against / number of defensive innings
• Total runs for / number of offensive innings
• Run differential as a percent -runs for / runs for + runs against
• Run differential - runs for minus runs against | 0 Items |
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