Attention All Minor Bantam and Midget Players Interested in Playing Tier One next year, News (Tillsonburg Minor Baseball)

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Sep 13, 2018 | Christie Nunn | 812 views
Attention All Minor Bantam and Midget Players Interested in Playing Tier One next year
Attention all Players interested in playing Tier One next year at the Minor Bantam level and the Midget level.
TMBI will be holding tryouts for next years
Minor Bantam Tier One team on Sunday Sept. 23rd. from 9am until 12.
Midget Tier One will be on Sunday Sept. 23rd from 1pm-4pm
Both tryouts will be held at the Hardball #2 diamond on the Sam Lamb Field.
**** Please note: Everyone trying out needs to bring a "permission to try out form from their local association".
For more information contact Scott Vitias at [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the tryouts. 
