Jun 03, 2019 | Christie Nunn | 1033 views
Picture Day #2 June 22
Please see schedule for picture day #2 on June 22. All pictures will be taken at Monsignor O'Neil 250 Quartertown line. Please make sure that your child is ready to be lined up 15 minutes before their time.
8:30am Mosquito 1
8:45 Mosquito 2
9:00 Mosquito 3
9:15 Rookie Rep
9:30 Bantam Rep
9:45 Bantam House league
10:00 Major rookie #6
10:15 Peewee Girls Fastball
10:30 SCBA Mosquito Rep
10:45 Peewee HL1
11:00 Peewee HL 3
11:15 Peewee HL 4