Apr 11, 2022 | Christie Nunn | 1090 views
U15 Tier 1 Final Roster
U15 Tier 1 Final Roster
The coaches of the Tillsonburg U15 Tier One team would like to thank all of those who attended tryouts. We would like to congratulate and welcome the following players to the team:
Paxton Bale
Noa Black
Ty Cooper
Nathan Gaitens
Mitchell Hayward
Sam House
Aiden Klassen
Liam Nunn
Odin Oatway
Cohen Schott
Brodie Seitz
Brendan Vandenneucker
Brody VanRybroeck
There will be a team meeting at 730 pm on Tuesday April 12 (tomorrow). For meeting location please contact Coach Jon.
For those who were not selected, we appreciate you attending tryouts and please watch for updates regarding the possibility of a second rep team and/or the potential of being an ap. Thanks.